Porcelain rose cultivation management skills

Site selection : It is advisable to choose an environment with sufficient water content but no hidden dangers and sunny sunshine. It is also slightly cloudy; the soil is slightly acidic, the soil is above and above the fertility, and sandy loam is better; avoiding drought and typhoon is more harmful. The place otherwise would be detrimental to plant growth.

For hoeing and digging : 畦 width 2m, length is not limited, height is about 3cm, dig a hole according to plant spacing 1m, the size of the burrowing hole is 40×40×40cm. It is better to plant in double rows, which is good for management and flower collection. Mix the right amount of farmyard manure with the planting soil when working.

Planting : a small cluster (3 to 5 plants) per hole, buried depth of 20cm, shading with shading nets or branches, pouring enough root water, and removing the shade after 20 days.

Management : After the plant is alive, it can be used for 10 to 15 days for root fertilization or half a year for a farmer's fertilizer. The watering depends on the growth state of the leaves of the plants, and can be watered when the leaves are slightly wilted. Because the root system of the plant is developed, the number of watering can be appropriately reduced after the growth is stable. Usually pay attention to thinning the leaves and old stems for ventilation and flower collection. Porcelain rose is a Zingiberaceae plant, and the roots and leaves of the plant all contain pungent flavor, so there are fewer pests and diseases. Even harmful pests endanger the leaves or flowers, should pay attention to observe, spray insecticide in time to prevent.

Flower picking : The growing plants that grow for about 1 year can see flowers in the winter and spring seasons. The flowers are abundant and the flowering period is concentrated, ranging from 5 to 20 per cluster. At this time, you should not forget to cut off the yellow leaves to facilitate flower bud growth and flower harvesting. The flower buds can be harvested at the beginning and in full bloom. The stalks are cut from the ground 10 to 15 cm away, and they are inserted into the water in time. Because the rose petals of porcelain are leathery, brittle and easy to wrinkle, the damage should be minimized when harvesting.

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