Kitchen layout affects the ups and downs of family transportation needs five elements balance

Kitchen layout affects the rise and fall of family transportation

Yangzhai three elements

Yangzhai's three main elements are "doors, masters, stoves," and the kitchen is one of the three elements. Food is the source of life, and feng shui in the kitchen is very important.

If feng shui is not good, it will cause family restlessness; it will affect physical and mental health; and it will cause damage to wealth. Therefore, the selection of the kitchen, the stove must be careful.

The orientation of the kitchen, the orientation, the interior decoration layout and the color design are all very important. If the orientation is compatible with the master's destiny, it will increase the fortunes of all things and will make it more prosperous. Kansui School believes that if the overall color of the kitchen is used in life, house, and orientation, it will be very beneficial to the health of the owner.

Home Feng Shui kitchen Feng Shui layout faucet Feng Shui decoration design window Feng Shui layout toilet door

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