Sweet potato simple topdressing three methods

The sweet potato in the middle and late stages can effectively increase the yield of sweet potato. There are three simple and easy ways to increase production.
1. Punch and top dressing: use a wooden stick, 20--30 cm away from the main root of sweet potato, hit a hole of about 30 cm deep, apply a proper amount of ternary compound fertilizer, and seal it with wet soil. If you use a hole on each side of the ridge to topdress, the effect is better.
2. Crack topdressing: When cracks appear on the ground during sweet potato expansion period, use 500 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per acre to add 400 kg of water, or use 2.5 kg of urea and 10 kg of superphosphate, add 500 kg of water, and mix with fertilizer to grout. Plant irrigation 0.7--1 kg. After 15 days, the supernatant (soaked for 8-10 hours) soaked with grass ash per acre was filled and cracked. After the irrigation, the crack was sealed with soil.
3. Foliar spray fertilizer: Foliar spray 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, or grass ash soaked supernatant, no less than 70 kg per mu of fertilizer, spray once every 7 days, even spray 3 times.
Huaxian County Shang Hongyan
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183x80CM Environmental TPE Yoga Mats

Thermal Plastic Elastomer (TPE), elsewhere known as thermoplastic rubber, is a copolymer class or a mix of polymers. Usually, the polymers mixed to create TPE material are plastic and rubber. Anyway, the thing with TPE is that it consists of materials with thermoplastic and elastomeric qualities. So, TPE YOGA MATS are constructed from thermal plastic elastomers and other material. The fusion with other materials is done with closed-cell foaming under high temperatures. After this process, the TPE yoga mat is easier to clean and is resistant to various microbes.

Also, the TPE material has a few advantages, such as increased eco-friendliness, better elasticity, and recyclability; which make the TPE yoga mats more eco-friendly than PVC yoga mats. You see, the TPE material has some attributes of non-PVC, non-toxic, and non-heavy metal materials. This kind of profile makes TPE yoga mats suitable for both travel and house use.

Environmental TPE yoga mats, yoga mats

Omega Eco Deco Materials(GuangDong) Co., Ltd , https://www.rococfloor.com

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