Some Suggestions on Comfortable Equipment--Talk about the Experience of My Family

Owner Information:

Owner: Ms. Jiang

Room Type:Single Villa

Area: 328 square meters

I just finished the renovation. In order to enjoy life, I installed some important equipment. I also learned a lot of good experience from it. Through the communication with the designer, the actual installation and use of the experience, my outsider, who does not understand comfortable equipment, has a lot of understanding about comfort equipment. Today I will share these lessons learned and share them so that everyone can learn a few strokes!

My guest restaurant only installed a thermostat

1. The thermostat is not as good as possible

The living room in my home is relatively large. There is a decorative partition in the middle of the guest dining room. When the floor is warm, I would like to install a thermostat in both areas of the dining room, but the designer said that the floor heating is not only the heat conduction of the ground, but also the heat transfer through the air. If the space is not separated by a solid wall, there is no need to install a thermostat separately, and the convection of air can also heat up the two connected spaces. Therefore, there is no need to install them separately. The actual use of the product was found to be as strict as that, when everyone installed warm clothes, they should also be careful not to waste a thermostat.

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